Monday, June 4, 2007

Why Greece....?

I read an article today, about why somebody should move to Greece for a while, maybe to work or study. The question raised was why Greece, or rather, why not anywhere else. I must admit it is a question I have asked myself on may occasions, and the answers may not always be what we are looking for, but they certainly are worth considering. Firstly, the whole Greek attitude to life seems somewhat philosophised. Work is work, but pleasure must be part of the daily routine. Whether it is a walk with the kids, a visit to a local cafe for coffee, meeting with friends at the beach, going for dinner at a seaside taverna, driving to a nearby resort or just strolling along the streets window shopping, there is always something you can do. History, mythology and culture all mingle with daily life, giving a different perspective on things. Just knowing the history of your area, or the people that live in this area, gives you a feeling that you could also become part of that history. Every place has a story, every person has a dream. Multi cultural societies are springing up left, right and centre, and people are even finding new meaning to their lives. Hospitality is a word that can be seen, felt and enjoyed throughout the country, and although the older generation has its flaws, younger people are now coming to terms with those flaws and attempting to change them. Greece is a country associated with bribery, looking the other way, and knowing people who know people. I know this, I live with this, but I am trying to change it. More and more people moving around Europe, searching for a place to live in a united continent, wanting to know more about the more ancient races have found a home here. Others, who cannot live in a society devoid of rules, just visit. But as I look out onto a deep blue sea, and hide from the sun under a clear, cloudless sky, my worries disappear as I answer the question Why Greece..? ...Because such beauty is rare and hard to find, so why not....?


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