Thursday, June 7, 2007

Parga....just 15 minutes away...

For any of you who have visited this area, we are very near a major Greek Holiday resort, Parga. Last week, I visited the town, to see friends, and I was taken aback by the difference in such a short distance. As I walked down the "tourkobazaro" which is a cobbled, steep, narrow lane running through the centre of Parga, all I could hear was " ooh, this would be great for ...." or " gosh, it's hot, shall we go for a beer". Yes, the town was flooded with Brits, spending their vacations in this part of Greece. I must tell you that due to the lack of native speakers around here, when I here English spoken by a native, I get a tingly feeling all over. It's a funny sensation, as nostalgia and surprise seem to take over my senses, and all I want to do is stop and start having a chat with the nearest available tourist. It may seem funny to a lot of people, and disturbing to anybody I am with at the time, but this is why I always get excited about visits to Parga during the summer months. Another thing I like about it is how picturesque it is. Houses seem to have been built upon each other around the small port, each lane leading to a different place, hiding small shops and restaurants. Flowers of all colours adorn doorways, window ledges and gates, and just like the local people, they have become a part of the attraction of the area.

The views are tremendous from wherever you stand, wherever you sit. Watching the sailing boats coming in and out of the harbour, visiting the local historical sites, lying on a beach with the green hills and cliffs around you gives you a feeling of being in another world, where nature and modern life seem to have made a deal to work together.

At night all the local sights are lit up and the effect is superb, and when there is a full moon, seems that the world starts and stops here. But don't just take my word for it...add it to your list of "places to visit".....